FAQ:  How can TriSolver help me in my business and daily work?

I organize a creativity workshop. How can I keep a clear overview about the initial situation and documents in various formats: Word, PDF, Excel, web sites etc.?

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Surfing in Internet, I've got a brilliant idea. Where should I document it?

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Can I explain my idea with a drawing?

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How can I extend my solution without changing the original idea?

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We don't succeed in solving our problem: brainstorming, search in Internet etc. - it's no use! Is TriSolver really capable to help?

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Can a software invent?

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How did we manage to find this solution idea?

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We generate on an average about 80 ideas in one workshop and document them spontaneously on memo pads, foils, flipcharts etc. Does TriSolver support the same level of flexibility?

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How fast can I generate a report of a brainstorming session or innovation project with 80 ideas?

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How can I inform my colleagues or my boss about the results of my work?

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